Review: The Fire Maple Hornet Stove

Original title: The Fire Maple Hornet Stove – Review

Original writer: Jordan,

Product Name: Fire Maple FMS-300T
Burner Power: 2,600 W
Ignition: Manual
Price: $40.87
Best Place to Buy:
JustCamping Rating: 9.0/10


The Pocket-Rocket

No, no, no… the guy in the picture here does not have gigantism. Nor is the stove pictured a miniature example of the Fire Maple Hornet. This is it. It's actually that small, and it comes packed with enough power to boil a liter of water in under four minutes! Can you believe that it'll fit in a chest pocket? Totally impressive.
Let's go over the specifics before I let you in on how I tested this little beast.

The Nuts 'n Bolts

First off, the dimensions of the Fire Maple Hornet are absolutely incredible. It weighs less than a tenth of a pound (only 45 grams) and is no bigger than half of a roll of quarters (check out this pic). This stove is ultralight and ultra-compact, to say the least. If there were a higher score than ‘perfect’ in the Packed Size & Weight category of the JustCamping Rating, this stove would get it.

It’s also constructed of the highest quality materials – namely, titanium alloy, aluminum and copper. It’s rugged, it’s tough and it’s built to last. Just screw the stove directly onto the outlet of your stove fuel canister and you’re good to go!
Three aluminum arms swing upwards to provide a stable platform on which you place your compact camping cooking gear, such as pots or pans. When you’re ready to pack up and store the Fire Maple Hornet in your backpack or pocket, just swing these arms back down. Just be sure that the stove isn’t still hot before touching!
I can vouch for the rocket-engine-like power of this little stove, too. It’s a little beast, and I have the real-world testing results ready for you below.

How I Tested It

This bad-boy was a pleasure to test, as it surprised me over and over again on my most recent trip to the wilderness during the July 4th weekend. I ended up finding a nice, secluded campsite under some Live Oak trees on the southern end of the Texan Hill Country. Check out the view from my campsite below!
It was quite windy on this particular weekend, with sustained winds of 10-15 miles per hour and gusts nearly double that. The Fire Maple Hornet stove has no built-in windbreak whatsoever, so I was initially anxious about how well it would perform in these conditions. Oh, how unnecessarily worrisome I was.

I decided to use the tiny Fire Maple Hornet to brew up a cup of tea on the first evening I spent out in the wilderness, so I measured out a cup of water in my Alocs Camping pot, placed it on the stove and cranked the power to the max.
The next morning, I tested the stove with a pint of water. At full power, the wind was certainly a factor, but not much of one (as I later learned by testing the stove in a windless environment)

In the windy conditions at my campsite, the Fire Maple Hornet Stove brought:Fire Maple Hornet Stove Review

    one cup (or 8 ounces) of water to a rolling boil in 1 minute, 43 seconds.
    one pint (or 16 ounces) of water to a rolling boil in 3 minutes, 28 seconds.

In the controlled conditions of my home garage, this stove brought:

    one cup of water to a rolling boil in 1 minute, 22 seconds.
    one pint of water to a rolling boil in 3 minutes, flat!

Under both of these conditions, the three serrated, aluminum arms that hold the cooking pot firmly in place became absolutely red hot (see the pic here), so I didn’t dare touch them for a few minutes after cooking, and neither should you!

Nevertheless, the Fire Maple Hornet and the camping pot I used was surprisingly stable sitting on top of the fuel canister I chose to use – while the official specs advise to use only butane fuel with this stove, it worked fine for me using a blend of propane, isobutane and butane fuel. I picked up the 230 gram Primus Power Gas canister from Walmart, seen below, for under $10.00, and it worked great.

The Final Verdict

Trust: Top quality materials and a truly thoughtful design and construction earn the Fire Maple Hornet high marks in this category of the JustCamping Rating.

Longevity: This camping stove gets considerably hot during use, so I’d expect any rubber seals to wear faster than other, larger, models. That being said, there isn’t much else to complain about here.

Packed Size & Weight: This stove is smaller and lighter than you’ll believe, trust me. But if my word isn’t enough, check out the pic below – the Fire Maple Hornet comes with its own small stow-sack, and easily fits into the camp cooking pots pictured here and above.
Expense: There are a ton of other camping stove models out there that offer far fewer ‘bangs for your buck’. That being said, you’re paying for ingenious design rather than material bulk here.
Comfort: This is where the Fire Maple Hornet earns its lowest rating in the overall JustCamping Rating. As stated above, the stove itself gets quite hot all-around during use, including the flame adjustment valve handle. Use gloves when handling this valve or reaching underneath your camp cookware while the flame is lit.
Utility: Feel free to use this stove on your car-camping trips, as well as your minimalist backpacking treks (the latter of which is the target audience here). Its cooking power makes it relevant for both groups of campers, while minimalist backpackers and survivalists will see the most benefit. The lack of a built-in windbreak is the only factor keeping the Fire Maple Hornet from earning a perfect Utility score here.

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