WeiLiHuan WLH-08 Review

Original title: WeiLiHuan WLH-08 the rolling spider parrot clone
Original author: SeByDocky on RCGroups.com
Note: Blog editor modified the original review. 

Price: $38.72

Here is the first Rolling Spider clone from WeiLiHua compagny, the WLH-08. The model comes with a real 2.4G transmitter in opposition with the genuine model controlled via a smartphone. The WLH-08 is a 2-in-1 microsize quadcopter offering "rolling" capacity thanks to its large central wheel.




 The RF chip is a XN297 and the MCU is a HL004 ARM core (mini54zan clone)

The transmitter uses a WLtoys chassis. The left shoulder button actionates flips while the right one cycles between two speed modes. The yaw rate is proportional to the speed mode but even is advenced mode, it's not ultra fast but more adapted for outdoors large turning. The top-right shoulder button cycles between the flight and car mode. The bottom right permits to take photo or if your press more than 2sec to turn on/off the camera. The top left shoulder button is activating the "home key return" a feature more or less accurate versus time and the bottom less the headless mode. There are two calibration procedure. The headless orientation can be set by pushing the left stick on the bottom left while the right stick on the bottom right. The gyroscope calibration is done by pushing the left stick bottom right and the right stick bottom left. I noticed a bug with these two procédures. As soon as you calibrated your quad's motors started to spin at low RPM.

Youtube Review


A very stable quadcopter in pure quadcopter configuration. I liked very much how it fly. Thanks to these props, you can feel nice vertical thrust. Banking turn are smooth and precize. The yaw rate is not amazing as well as funnels so this quad is more adapted to smooth trajectories. When the Wheel is installed, the WLH-08 can offer a relatively good speed (> 20km/h) and thanks to its big Wheel can run easily on different surface. It's a little bit to turn with, you need to release (a bit) throttle. But this Wheel installed, in quacopter mode it's mich more heavy and you are controling a kind of flying elephant. Flips are completly destabilizing the WLH-08 in this mode.

I got positive feelings with this model. First of all, I think it's much better to control this quad with a real radio than with a smartphone. In this sens, the model is more insteresting than the original version. I liked how stable and smooth is this quadcopter. With propguards installed, it's adapted for beginner for sure. The control range is good, flying duration also in pure quadcopter mode. With the Wheel installed, prefer to drive it only instead to fly with it. You will save flight duration and more increase the motor's life durability. Except these small buggy calibration procedures, no real negative points for this model.

+ Nice rolling spider clone
+ Very stable
+ Fast in wheel mode
+ Powerful thanks to its prop's design
+ Good radio range
+ General quality
+ Good flying duration (7mins)
+ Headless mode
+ One key return
+ Prop guard
+ LVC LEDs alarm (around 7mm of flight)

- Heavy central wheel (not really possible to flip with)
- Calibration procedure bugged
- No night capacity
- YAP (Yet Another Protocol potentially Deviatizable)

[Thanks to SeByDocky]

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