03-17 EU Warehouse Deals

Dear friends,Breaking news here,Eu warehouse flash sale.
Low price and fast shipping, promise do not miss them!

1. GPD WIN GamePad Tablet PC
Item URL : http://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_364503.html
Coupon code: GB3RDGPD
Price: £240.50

2.JJRC H31 Waterproof Drone(EU warehouse)
Item URL : http://www.gearbest.com/rc-quadcopters/pp_366866.html  
Price: £18.27 

3.Original Xiaomi Mi R1D AC WiFi Router English Version (EU warehouse) 
 Price: £63.82   (much cheaper than before) !!! 
 Item URL : http://www.gearbest.com/networking-communication/pp_152929.html


More flash sale info,pls feel free to check our EU Warehouse flash sale page:
Link: http://www.gearbest.com/m-promotion-active-152.html

Any question,pls feel free to contact us, nice day!

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