[ Knife Review ] Ganzo G720 & Sanrenmu 7010

Ganzo G720 Review

Original writer&photographer:     Mark Wing
This is a large, overall well-built knife. Ganzo is giving the people what they want without cutting corners or trying to be gimmicky. 
Now, having said those nice things about Ganzo, I think the lock is too tight out of the box. The lock on my beloved Sanrenmu 763 started out perfect and 4 years later and thousands of cycles, it still feels perfect. But certainly this is a lock that gives me the impression that it won't fail any time soon.
Also, you play the lottery with the edge on most knives in this class. And it's not just Gonzo. You play the lottery with most well known brands. Very few brands like Spyderco care enough about quality control control to make them more consistent. Because, you know, it costs an extra 1/100 of  a cent to check.
When I look at everything, I definitely think this knife is worth $16.99. With a good edge out of the box, I think this knife would probably take a good amount of abuse, probably just short of what my friend did. 
My friend does really like this knife and keeps thanking me for it. I keep offering to re-profile the edge and take that nick out of it, but he swears it doesn't bother him. I guess it bothers my OCD more.

Sanrenmu 7010 Review

Original writer&photographer:     Mark Wing

This is a superb knife not counting the price. I am definitely going to carry this one, but I would carry it more if it had a tip up clip. But it does carry well in jeans, and it's a beautiful knife, so there's no way it's going into the "bag of shame" or being gifted.

I will also probably look at more frame lock knives since I like this one so much.

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